Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov is known all over the world as the author of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. He was awarded a Nobel Prize for it.
An unusual monument is located in the center of Gogol Boulevard not far from Kropotninskaya metro station. It attracts interest of every passerby. The most interesting part of the monument is, of course, horses heads. The author of this monument, Alexander Rukavishnikov, depicted Sholokhov sitting in a boat on a large stone platform. At the background of the composition, there are heads of horses, swimming along a river.
Giant palms in the park
You can see this sculptural composition in the Park of the 50th Anniversary of the October Revolution. .
Monument to M.I. Kutuzov The monument to M.I. Kutuzov (sculptors – N.V. Tomsky, A.I. Beldyushkin, B.E. Edunov, A.A. Murzin, A.N. Tomsky, architect – L.G. Golubovsky) was unveiled in 1973 in Kutuz... Подробнее...