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Monument to Joseph Brodsky

The monument to Joseph Brodsky, a Russian poet and the winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Literature, was installed in May 2011 in Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow. The monument appeared in front of the U.S. Embassy.

The poet’s figure was made by Georgy Frangulyan. The sculptor expressed it in an unusual manner: it looks three-dimensional from the front and flat from the side. This is a peculiar mixture of sculpture and bas-relief.

The poet stands out against 12 depersonalized human silhouettes. He stares into the sky, unaware of what is going on the ground. So the sculptor tried to express that only a few people manage to stand out from the crowd. Joseph Brodsky was such a person.


  • Address: Новинский бульвар, напротив дома 33
  • Metro Station: Barrikadnaya



Author of the report: Ksenia Skrobova.

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