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A new version of the Moscow Metro app prepared for 2018 FIFA World Cup

The unified transport portal will also open a special section dedicated to the championship.

A new version of the Moscow Metro mobile app and a special section on the unified transport portal have been prepared for 2018 FIFA World Cup fans. New sections and languages have been added to the app and the interface has been updated. It will be put on the Essentials for the World Cup list, which is a list of applications recommended for the for championship’s duration.

The four most popular sections – Map, News, FIFA and Payment – are placed in the text box at the bottom of the screen. The app had been available only in Russian and English, but now five more languages have been added – French, German, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.

The function to determine transit routing is easier to use now. The metro and city maps have been combined, a change-over switch has been introduced and a function of retaining a route has been added. A prospective metro map is also available here, with which it is possible to create a route that can include stations that will open in the future.

Timetable and itineraries

In the FIFA section, fans will be able to find match schedules and the scores of matches that have been played. Fans will be able to create an easy route to the stadiums in Moscow. With the help of special video clips users will be able to see the best entrance to a certain section of a stadium.

In addition, a new function to order an accredited taxi has appeared. This taxi has the right to bring people as close as possible to the stadium within current security measures.

The News section has also been altered. It is divided into three parts. The first will consist of important news on the metro’s service and cultural events, the second will be dedicated to last-minute changes – metro line section and entrance hall closings, for example, and other service items. The third part is news from the metro page in Twitter. 

In the Payment section a payment package for Android based smartphones has been improved. Now users can attach a bank card to the app to avoid reentering the information every time the card is replenished or when downloading tickets on the Troika card.

There will also be an option to contact a lost and found office: to describe a lost item or attach a photo. If a lost item is identified the owner will be contacted.

In addition, a new section, Themed Trains, has been introduced. It describes what themed trains run where.

The Moscow Metro contacts foreign fan communities on social networks and informs group administrators about the application and arranges the posting of infographics with recommendations on how to use the metro easier.

Seven languages and the main sites

A new section will appear on the unified transport portal  especially for the World Cup. The information is translated into seven languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, and Portuguese.

Thanks to this new section, fans will be able to determine easy routes on all types of Moscow public transport. It is expected that up to 20,000 people will visit the section simultaneously.

Tourists will be able to look up information on all types of Moscow transport, fares and payment options, and also schedules and traffic patterns. The maps are compiled with reference to key World Cup sites: the Luzhniki Big Sports Arena, Spartak Stadium and the FIFA Fan Fest at Vorobyovy Gory.

Source: mos.ru

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