21.04.2015 22:42
Просмотров: 133
All participating libraries will be opened from 7 p.m. through 1 a.m. The event is aimed at the development of library services and promotion of reading, as well as organising new leisure activities for Moscow residents.
Biblio Night is organised by the Association of Cultural Managers, the Nekrasov Central Comprehensive Research Library, the Turgenev Reading Hall, the Russian State Children’s Library, the State Literary Museum, the Yasnaya Polyana estate museum, the Polytechnic Museum, the Pushkin Library foundation, the Flakon design plant, the Nizhny Novgorod-based Massolit creative team, and the companies ABBYY, Biblio Globus, Falanster and Muzeiprom. The event is being held with assistance from Moscow’s Department of Culture.
During the event, each of the 200 libraries is expected to be visited by some 1,000 people. The Biblio Night programme includes meetings with renowned writers, musicians and painters, as well as lectures, master classes and intellectual games. Throughout Biblio Night, an online link-up will be available with libraries in Moscow and Russia.
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