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Family quests at Moscow Planetarium

The Moscow Planetarium presents a new family programme called the quest Proxima: The Rescue.

According to the story, participants will find themselves in the year 2100, when people are trying to find planets suitable to live on. The observatory of the Moscow Planetarium is being used for this purpose. The planetarium also has a laboratory of intergalactic research which controls the stations built in the far away corners of the Universe. The laboratory is fitted out with cutting-edge equipment and technology, but it still cannot be protected from external threats. The life of the residents of the Proxima station is hanging on a thread, and only participants in the quest can save them.

Players will wire up a helper robot, find secret places, open a real safe and, using tips, rescue the stations inhabitants.

The length of the quest, including the preparation stage, is about 90 minutes. The number of players can be anything from two to five people.

After the programme, participants can stay at the Lunarium museum and view about 90 fascinating interactive exhibits.

Send your applications and questions to the Moscow Planetarium email, oq@planetarium-moscow.ru.

Source: mos.ru

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