09.01.2019 17:00
Просмотров: 127
Passengers left more than 200 items on the Moscow metro during the New Year holidays, including such unconventional things as Santa Claus’s beard and staff, a case with personal effects, snow saucers, skates and a pushchair, Moscow Metro press service reports. Half of the lost things have been recovered by their owners.
“No one has come to collect the beard and the staff so far but we will be pleased to return them to the owner. It must have been the real Santa Claus,” a press service spokesperson said.
All property found at metro stations, or on the trains is handed over to the lost-property office at Kotelniki station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya Line. The items remain in storage for six months after a finding report is registered. For more details on incoming lost property, please call +7 (495) 622-20-85 or +7 (495) 539-54-54 (Moscow Transport Contact Centre). Property can be collected from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day.
Source: mos.ru